Stratasan is a healthcare technology company based in Nashville, TN. Their primary focus is provide market intelligence, and assist with strategy planning, marketing, and analysis for the Healthcare market. We helped Stratasan with a complete visual overhaul of their website and branding with new visual assets. The new design provides greater insight into their process.
On the technical side of things, we provided a responsive WordPress based website and easy access for maintenance. Near the end of the project we did an on-site photography shoot to have additional images on the site to showcase their great space in Germantown. We greatly enjoyed the process of working with Stratasan and believe they are on the way to achieving great things.

Responsive Web Design

We created a custom responsive website design for Stratasan. Visit the website

The Homepage

The homepage design uses a full screen interactive slider to introduce the company.

Case Studies

Case studies highlight the services provided by Stratasan along with custom graphics.